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Buy Phenethylamines online

Phenethylamines are a large group of organic compounds based upon the phenethylamine structure. They encompass an incredibly wide variety of psychoactive substances as well as hormones found naturally in the body. The pharmacological effects of substituted phenethylamines also vary substantially, so one should not expect a similar subjective experience just because two compounds happen to fall within this same chemical class.


Some examples of different classes that share the phenethylamine base structure are central nervous stimulants (for example, amphetamines such as 3-FEA), hallucinogens (such as 2C-B-FLY and methallylescaline), entactogens (like 5-MAPB), appetite suppressants and antidepressants. Phenethylamines also include numerous endogenous hormones, such as dopamine (the “reward system” hormone), norepinephrine (also known as adrenaline – the “stress” hormone), tyramine and others.

As you can see, the class “substituted phenethylamines” includes a whole host of different chemicals and hormones, some producing substantially different pharmacological effects from one another. The reason for this is because, while they share the same base structure, phenethylamines do not have a single common biological target or method of action; as opposed to – for example – the lysergamide chemical class, of which all derivatives target the 5-HT receptors.

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Buy phenethylamines for sale from USA, Canada Vendor, or more properly, substituted phenethylamines, are the group of phenethylamine derivatives that contain phenethylamine as a “backbone”; in other words, this chemical class includes derivative compounds that are formed by replacing one or more hydrogen atoms in the phenethylamine core structure with substituents. The class of substituted phenethylamines includes all substituted amphetamines, and substituted methylenedioxyphenethylamines (MDxx), and contains many drugs which act as empathogens, stimulants, psychedelics, anorectics, bronchodilators, decongestants, and/or antidepressants, among others. Our research chemicals are mostly structural or functional analog of a controlled substance that has been designed to mimic the pharmacological effects of the original drug, while avoiding classification as illegal and/or detection in standard drug tests. Research chemicals include psychoactive substances as well as analogs of performance-enhancing drugs. Some of these were originally synthesized by academic or industrial researchers in an effort to discover more potent derivatives with fewer side effects and were later co-opted for recreational use. Other research chemicals were prepared for the first time in clandestine laboratories. Because the efficacy and safety of these substances have not been thoroughly evaluated in animal and human trials, the use of some of these drugs may result in unexpected side effects. The development of designer drugs may be considered a subfield of drug design. The exploration of modifications to known active drugs—such as their structural analogues, stereoisomers, and derivatives—yields drugs that may differ significantly in effects from their “parent” drug (e.g., showing increased potency, or decreased side effects). In some instances, designer drugs have similar effects to other known drugs, but have completely dissimilar chemical structures (e.g. JWH-018 vs THC). Despite being a very broad term, applicable to almost every synthetic drug, it is often used to connote synthetic recreational drugs, sometimes even those which have not been designed at all (e.g. LSD, the psychedelic side effects of which were discovered unintentionally).