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1cP-LSD – The Ultimate Guide

What is 1cP-LSD?

1cP-LSD (1-Cyclopropionyl-d-lysergic acid diethylamide) a novel semi-synthetic psychedelic substance of the lysergamide class. An analogue of LSD, it first appeared on the online research chemical market in July 2019. Since then it has grown greatly in popularity in the research community.

Researchers have frequently reported it to be around 20-30% more potent than its close cousin 1P-LSD. It’s therefore advised to be cautious when running experiments with this compound. If unsure, always start small before working your way up to larger experiments.


Pharmacology of 1cP-LSD

1cP-LSD is an analogue and close relative of LSD and 1P-LSD, and it’s reported to induce almost identical pharmacological effects to its predecessors. These effects are thought to be caused by interactions with the serotonin 5-HT2A receptors distributed throughout the brain.


1cP-LSD also likely interacts with a wide range of monoamine receptors, such as those for dopamine and norepinephrine. However, this is speculation based on observations of how LSD interacts with the brain as there is little to no data yet on the exact mechanisms specific to 1cP-LSD. It’s assumed the mechanisms are almost identical to 1P-LSD and LSD. This is due to the similarities in molecular structure and reported pharmacological effects.


Subjective Effects - Physical, Auditory, Visual, and Cognitive Effects

Please note: Self-reported experiences are entirely subjective and should therefore be approached with a healthy dose of skepticism. It’s also worth noting that these effects will not necessarily occur in a consistent or reliable way and each experience will differ to a greater or lesser extent.

Potential Positive Effects

Some of the potential physical and cognitive effects of 1cP-LSD include:

  • Geometric visual hallucinations
  • Time Distortion
  • Enhanced Introspection
  • Heightened Energy and Stimulation
  • Tactile Enhancement
  • Euphoric Bodily Sensations
  • Enhanced Conceptual Thinking
  • Creative Enhancement
  • Enhancement of Personal Meaning
  • Cognitive Euphoria
  • Colour Enhancement
  • Pattern Recognition Enhancement
  • Enhanced Visual Acuity
  • Colour Shifting
  • Auditory Enhancement/Distortion
  • Ego Loss

Potential Negative Effects

Some of the potentially negative physical and cognitive effects  include:


  • Nausea
  • Increased heart rate
  • Muscle contractions
  • Vasoconstriction (sensation of being cold)
  • Paranoia
  • Delusions
  • In very rare cases there may be a risk of seizures. This is extrapolated from the handful of reported cases of seizures related to LSD. Furthermore, this is thought to only be a risk to people genetically predisposed to them, in combination with physically stressful states such as dehydration, fatigue, undernourishment, or overheating.
Please note this list is not exhaustive. Always do your own research before doing experiments with any compound. Negative effects are much more common at higher doses. Remember to start small and work your way up. Always practice good set and setting when conducting research.

Some Trip Reports from Reddit and Erowid

There are many very interesting and detailed trip reports available online from various sources including but not restricted to Reddit and Erowid. Learning about the pharmacological effects of 1cP-LSD should be of paramount interest to any researcher interested in studying the compound, so we highly recommend you take the time to read as much as possible as it may influence the direction of your work. Here we’ll look at four experiences; three from Reddit and one from Erowid.

1cP-LSD trip report posted by raoulcamp on r/LSD

“One visual that stood out the most, apart from the tiny kaleidoscopic patterns on everything, was this layer of what seemed to be like glass. I enjoyed it very much, I felt like it protected me.


After some time I put on some Tame Impala.Best listening experience ever. I felt so euphoric. I stood up all night and watched the sunrise. In the morning, most of the visual effects were gone, but I still felt high. I live in Venice (Italy) so I figured I’d take a walk, so I put on some Bon Iver (my favorite band) and had an illuminating experience, I realized that life doesn’t have to make sense for it to be beautiful, and I just felt so at peace. I connected to every stranger I saw on my way and had this crazy love for life in all its forms, it was amazing.”

1cP-LSD trip report posted by SkySn4p on r/LSD

“I was looking at the trees, seeing how symmetrical and fractal-like the branches looked, at this point I kind of realized that the lsd visuals are more clean, symmetrical and focused, compared to shrooms which are more blurry, dreamy and pastel color like.


3:15pm- we went up a hill that was near us, there was a nice view of the city from up there. When I was looking at the clouds I started to see colorful visual effects of the lsd, something that I almost never get from shrooms.”

Where to Buy LSD Online

You can also buy 1cP-LSD (along with many other compounds) in our shop. As always, please always be careful and do your own research before making any decision to purchase research chemicals online.

1cP-LSD trip report posted by iKindOfDontCare on r/1P-LSD

Around 17.00 so T0 + 5h i decided to get back to my apartment. I had to ride a bicycle – what an amazing experience it was ! More like flying then riding – wind blowing in your face etc. I had no problem operating the bicycle but for sure wouldn’t go with a car or motorcycle at that point of my trip. Once i got into the urban area i have felt the temperature rise – concrete working as a heater , no more refreshing coldness of trees and river… Society or rather culture seemed absurd to me, made little or no sense at all. Once i got home i was rather hyperactive – called two friends to let them know I’m good and trip was amazing so far.

“Connection to the universe” Trip report by Misha on Erowid.

T+0.00 – Dose. T+ 1:45- I’m drawing with music. Music is lovely. Still peaking, physical euphoria is apparent, “connection to the universe” “all cells share the same universal energy” were written in my log at this point. I feel the desire to stretch out. Time is weird. My olfactory senses seem more acute now. Music appreciation has increased due to hearing the separation of instruments, the music has layers. Still Peaking. T+ 3:10- Peak is subsiding and my face feels a bit like it’s melting/numb on the right side. This comes and goes in waves as the experience fades. A tingle similar to SSRI withdrawal, but not in a bad way. Hard to explain.

Trip Reports - Further Reading

If you’re interested in checking out some other trip reports, Nervewing does a great job of compiling trip reports with many substances, including 1cP-LSD, into her blog. You can read it here.


The guys over at Set & Setting also provide great blogs and articles about the structured, responsible, and safe use of psychedelics.


Erowid has been around for years and the website feels pretty outdated and clunky by today’s standards. Despite this, it offers the largest repository of trip reports on the internet. A very valuable resource.

Microdosing 1cP-LSD

Microdosing is growing in popularity and 1cP-LSD is becoming one of the more popular lysergamides in the space.

1cP-LSD has been gaining popularity in the microdosing community over the past few years. Microdosing is the practice of consuming very low, sub-hallucinogenic doses of a psychedelic substance to achieve an enhanced cognitive state. If you would like to learn more about microdosing this is a great resource to dive into. The guys over at Set & Setting teach a “responsible, structured and safe handling of psychedelics substances”. They have many great blogs and articles that we wholeheartedly recommend.


Where can I buy 1cP-LSD?

If you’re interested in buying 1cP-LSD for use in your lab and are wondering how to buy it quickly and safely, We have got you covered Shop

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